#WorldHepatitisDay: EMCDDA joins forces with partners to address viral...
Every year, on 28 July, the World Health Organization (WHO) and partners mark World Hepatitis Day (WHD) to increase awareness and understanding of viral hepatitis and the diseases it causes. Read news...
View ArticleQuality assurance in drug demand reduction in European countries: an overview
This article examines the evidence for quality assurance systems for drugs-related interventions in Europe, based on information gathered by the EMCDDA.
View ArticleFentanyls: are we missing the signs? Highly potent and on the rise in Europe
Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid analgesic historically used as a pain reliever and an anaesthetic. In the European context, fentanyls are ‘low use but high risk/harm’ substances. Developments in illicit...
View ArticleSelf-reported testing, HIV status and associated risk behaviours among people...
Despite the absolute differences in reported risk behaviours among PWID in western and eastern Europe, the associations of risk behaviours with HIV status were similar across the sites and regions. HIV...
View ArticleRoundtable discussion: how lessons learned from HIV can inform the global...
Identifies key actions suggested by lessons learned from the three-plus decades of the HIV epidemic which can be applied to the prevention of hepatitis among drug users.
View ArticleHepatitis C virus infection epidemiology among people who inject drugs in...
Stronger efforts are needed to improve data availability to guide an increase in HCV treatment among PWID.
View ArticleA systematic review of Hepatitis C virus treatment uptake among people who...
This systematic review indicates that hepatitis C treatment uptake is relatively low among drug users in several European countries, and also points to considerable knowledge gaps regarding treatment...
View ArticleMortality among people who inject drugs: a systematic review and meta-analysis
People who inject drugs have an elevated risk of death, although mortality rates vary across different settings. Public health initiatives must include efforts to reduce HIV infection as well as other...
View ArticleHuman immunodeficiency virus among people who inject drugs: Is risk...
Examines HIV outbreaks in Greece and Romania, and advocates stronger prevention efforts.
View ArticlePreventing and reducing drug overdoses — a priority for the EMCDDA
31 August: International Overdose Awareness Day30.08.2017 International Overdose Awareness Day is an annual event, held on 31 August, to raise awareness of overdose and reduce the stigma of...
View ArticleDrug checking as a harm reduction tool for recreational drug users:...
A number of European countries have implemented drug checking with the aim of providing targeted preventive messages to recreational drug users. This approach, which is more individualised than mass...
View ArticleNew EMCDDA report shows grounds for hope in treating hepatitis C
World Hepatitis Day — hepatitis C among drug users in Europe28.07.2016 Hepatitis C is an infectious disease of the liver caused by the blood-borne hepatitis C virus. In a new report published today on...
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